Lyre Harp Tabs

How to take care of your Lyre Harp Latest Method [2022]

How to take care of your lyre harp

How to take care of your Lyre Harp Latest Method [2022]

care of your Lyre Harp You might have Lyre Harp now and enjoy it, but how can you make it last long? Basically, it’s just how you treat properly any items you have. But we will give you the basic tips on how to take care of your Lyre Harp as a reminder.

Step by step instructions to Care For Your Harp

Each Harp I assemble is impeccably created to fit the requirements and wants of its proprietor and player. When you have your new harp at Home, this is the way you can really focus on it so you will partake in its music for a long time to come.


Your harp ought to be cleaned uniquely with an extremely delicate, 100 percent cotton fabric. Try not to utilize wood cleaners or conditioners on the harp that contain lemon or orange oil as these can mellow the veneer finish on your instrument over the long haul and can change the shade of fancy pictures on the harp. It is additionally really smart to keep a spotless, delicate cotton fabric convenient to wipe the strings with when you are done rehearsing. This is especially significant with stomach or metal strings however can likewise be a decent support propensity to involve with nylon strings also.

The Harp in Your Home

One “basic guideline” that certain individuals use in focusing on their harps is the possibility that

assuming you are agreeable, your harp will be as well.

This is maybe too basic a thought, however, it is essentially evident. Assuming that you are too warm or too cold in your family room, or then again assuming that there is hot daylight or a virus draft coming from a close-by the window, your harp won’t be agreeable. Thus, the following are a couple of fundamental plans to remember while picking the area in your home where your harp will reside.

1. The harp should be set where it is probably not going to be pushed over or chanced upon and furthermore where it is probably not going to have anything dropped or spilled on it. It is ideal to have the option to uphold the harp into a corner when it isn’t being played.

2. The harp ought to be shielded consistently from pets and from little youngsters. On the off chance that you have felines in the house, be cautious with regards to placing a cover on your harp, as felines like to figure they can climb a covered harp and can pull it over on top of themselves simultaneously! Please, keep the harp in a room that can be made blocked off to children and pets.

3. Your harp likes to be kept at a genuinely consistent temperature and stickiness. half stickiness is great. A straightforward modest dampness measure should be kept in the room with the harp. In homes with focal hotness and A/C, it isn’t unexpectedly important to add dampness to the air with a room or instrument humidifier so the wood of the harp doesn’t get excessively dry. At the point when you have heat or A/C on, it removes a significant part of the dampness from the air.

4. Do not put the harp where it will be in direct daylight whenever of the day, or where the harp will be exposed to drafts from open entryways, windows, A/C vents, radiators, and so forth
If you intend to be away for the end of the week when the external temperature is exceptionally hot or chilly, set the cover on your harp and leave your indoor regulator set at an agreeable temperature.

The vast majority of these things are the straightforward presence of mind. Recollect that varieties in temperature can influence how well your harp stays in order, the existence of your strings, and the existence of the actual harp. Remembering these things as you care for your harp will assist with guaranteeing numerous long periods of happiness from your instrument and will assist you with really focusing on it appropriately.

Moving the Harp

1. Just as nobody should leave a pet or kid in your vehicle in the mid-year, don’t leave your harp in a vehicle on a hot day. A brief time frame left in an incredibly hot vehicle might conceivably make a harp in a real sense detonate as paste joints mellow and wood breaks!

2. Put all switches down and cover the harp totally by placing it in its own cushioned travel case or by wrapping it safely in a cover or camping cot. (In the event that you utilize a camping cot, make certain to keep metal zipper parts from the wood of the harp!)

3. it is vital to direct the temperature inside your vehicle please prior to stacking up the harp. Park in the shade, lower the windows, and turn on the A/C prior to stacking the harp. In the event that it’s cool, run the radiator for some time prior to placing the harp in the vehicle.

4. When hand shipping your harp, consistently have a hand on the instrument! Try not to pass on it to stand up in a cushioned case or on a cart or on wheels incorporated into its case.

5. Always lay the harp as an afterthought WITHOUT the sharping switches, with the switches looking up. In practically all occurrences, this will imply that the mainstay of the harp will be on the left as it is set down a level. This is significant so that switches don’t become bowed or broken. More modest harps can likewise be set down on their backs (on the soundbox) and can be shipped thusly, insofar as it is safeguarded from spilling!

6. Place the harp level on a cushioned surface. A sleeping pad is great, yet a collapsed cover or blanket functions admirably too.

7. Don’t place anything on top of the harp or where it could fall onto the harp while the vehicle is moving.

8. Obtain and utilize a “Space Blanket” to cover the harp while moving it in a sweltering climate.

Tuning the Harp

1. Your harp ought to be tuned day by day, if conceivable. This will assist with holding the harp under even pressure and will likewise assist with fostering your own ear for tuning over the long haul. Likewise, harp strings are intended to resound best at full pitch, so keeping the entire harp reliably tuned to pitch will improve the entire instrument’s overall appeal.

2. When moving from one string to another, be certain you have the tuning wrench on the pin for the right string. Assuming you keep on turning the wrench, however, the string you’re culling isn’t evolving pitch, you are presumably turning the pin for some unacceptable string and are probably going to break that string! Utilize the “Over-top” technique for finding the right pin. Follow the string up to its scaffold pin and tuning pin, and afterward look across the highest point of the consonant bend (neck) to find the right pin to place the tuning wrench on. This is a straightforward error to make, but at the same time, it’s not difficult to keep away from simply by focusing on the thing you’re doing.

3. On most harps it is really smart to push in tenderly on the tuning pin (at the neck of the harp) as you adjust a string (to a higher pitch). These assists keep the tuning sticking solidly set in the neck of the harp. Try not to apply pressure while tuning a string DOWN (to a lower pitch)! Likewise recall that most tuning requires truth be told, extremely slight changes, not extraordinarily large, full turns of the tuning pin.

4. DO NOT leave the tuning wrench sitting on a tuning pin whenever! This is a great method for harming a soundboard while the tuning wrench drops off the tuning pin.

Assuming that you have any inquiries, you can ask your harp educator, or kindly go ahead and call or email me!

Do’s and Don’ts

  1. Always wipe off your Lyre Harp after use, especially if your hands get wet easily.
  2. Store the Lyre Harp in your box, pouch, or hard case bag every after use.
  3. Don’t expose your Lyre Harp to direct heat and avoid placing it in a humid area.
  4. Avoid liquid substances on dripping your Lyre Harp, if you accidentally did, wipe immediately.
  5. Only use the tuning wrench for tuning not on other stuff.
  6. Don’t rotate so much on the peak point when tuning, it might break the string and hit you or someone nearby, be gentle as possible.
  7. Don’t put anything above your lyre harp, nor apply any heavy pressure on it.
  8. NEVER ever drop your Lyre Harp, it might be the end of it.
  9. If you will disassemble your Lyre Harp, make sure to loosen all the strings one by one first.
  10. Remove all sticker residue when you decided to remove or before replacing them.
  11. If put some paint on your Lyre Harp body, make sure to dry them well before storing them.
  12. NEVERĀ put any new holes on your Lyre Harp, it might affect the sounds quality of your precious instrument
  13. NEVER leave your Kalimba unattended with Kids, it would either be dropped then destroyed or they might get hurt by the strings, or possibly they might do something you wouldn’t want to realize.
  14. Replace the strings when you find some rust already or have a problem removing the rust.

Final Notes

As you can see in our list, it’s pretty basic on how to take care of your Lyre Harp and you might be doing most of these. It’s almost the same with your mobile phone, gaming consoles, favorite shoes or dress, and any other things to are special to you. If you have been doing something on your Lyre Harp that is not on the list which will surely make your Lyre Harp last long, comment it down below.

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