An Easter Hallelujah – Kelly Mooney
- lyreharptabs
- December 30, 2021
- 8:34 pm
- No Comments
- Artist: Kelly Mooney
- Arranged by : Joy Abad
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An Easter Hallelujah is a song written by Canadian singer/songwriter Kelley Mooney on her album Tomorrow in 2011. The song is set to the tune which was written by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen for his 1984 song “Hallelujah”. The song is about Jesus crucifixion and His resurrection.
This lyre harp tabs and video cover is arranged by Joy Abad. It was tuned in C Major which needs tuning on some of the lyre harp with less strings. The lyre harp used in the video have 16 strings which also let you play this on bigger lyre harp.
Kindly support the video creator by liking and subscribing on to their youtube account. Also kindly give the proper credits to the owner.
If you like to check more arrangements by Joy Abad kindly follow this link: Joy Abad tabs
See below the different tabs version from Musical Alphabet, Number and Letter notations that will guide you on the way you want to play this song.
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Notations | Number | °4 | °5 | °6 | °7 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 1° | 2° | 3° | 4° | 5° | 6° | 7° | 1°° | 2°° | 3°° |
Music Alpha | F3 | G3 | A3 | B3 | C4 | D4 | E4 | F4 | G4 | A4 | B4 | C5 | D5 | E5 | F5 | G5 | A5 | B5 | C6 | D6 | E6 |
Solfege | FA | SO | LA | TI | DO | RE | MI | FA | SO | LA | TI | DO | RE | MI | FA | SO | LA | TI | DO | RE | MI |
Letter | °F | °G | °A | °B | C | D | E | F | G | A | B | C° | D° | E° | F° | G° | A° | B° | C°° | D°° | E°° |
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C °G E G E C °G E G
C °G E G E C °G E G
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A A
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A A A F
G (C-F-A) A (F-A) A (°G-D-A) G
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A (°G-D-B)
G (°A-C°) C° C° A (°G-C°) C° C° D° °B
C° (°G-D-D°) D° (°B-D°) D° (°B-G-E°) E°
E° D° °A D° C° C E
E G (C-F-A) A C F
A G (°A-E) (C-E) °A C
E G (C-F-A) A C F
A G (C-E°) E F° E° (°G-D) °B (C-C°) E G
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A A F
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A A
G (C-F-A) A A A (°G-D-A) G °B
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A (°G-D-B)
G (°A-C°) C° C° A (°G-C°) C° C° D° °B
C° (°G-D-D°) D° D° D° (°B-G-E°) E°
E° D° °A D° C° C E
E G (C-F-A) A C F
A G (°A-E) (C-E) °A C
E G (C-F-A) A C F
A G (C-E°) E F° E° (°G-D) °B (C-C°) E C G
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A A
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A
A (C-F-A) A A A (°G-D-A) G °B
E (C-G) G G G (C-F-A) A (°G-D-B)
G (°A-C°) D° C° C° A (°G-C°) C° D° °B
C° (°G-D-D°) D° D° D° (°B-G-E°) E°
E° D° °A E° D° C° C E
E G (C-F-A) A C F
A G (°A-E) (C-E) °A C
E G (C-F-A) A C F
A G (C-E°) F° E° (°G-D-D°) °B (C-C°)
E G E (C-G)
A crown of thorns placed on His head
He knew that He would soon be dead
He said did you forget me Father did you?
They nailed Him to a wooden cross
Soon all the world would feel the loss
Of Christ the King before His Hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
He hung His head and prepared to die
Then lifted His face up to the sky
Said I am coming home now Father to you
A reed which held His final sip
Was gently lifted to his lips
He drank His last and gave His soul to glory
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
The soldier who had used his sword
To pierce the body of our Lord
Said truly this is Jesus Christ our Savior
He looked with fear upon his sword
Then turned to face his Christ and Lord
Fell to his knees crying Hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Took from his head the thorny crown
And wrapped him in a linen gown
And laid him down to rest inside the tomb
The holes in his hands, his feet and side
Now in our hearts we know he died
To save us from ourselves oh hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Three days went by again they came
To move the stone to bless the slain
With oil and spice anointing hallelujah
But as they went to move the stone
They saw that they were not alone
But Jesus Christ has risen Hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
- Tags: 16 Strings, Joy Abad, Western, Worship
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