Lyre Harp Tabs

How To Tune Your Lyre Harp Latest Ways [2022]

How to tune your lyre harp

How To Tune your Lyre Harp Latest Ways [2022]

Tune Your Lyre Harp Latest Ways You have arrived in this post because it’s either your Lyre Harp is suddenly sounded iffy or out of tune or you just had bought your Lyre Harp. Most of the stringed instruments tend to get out of tune after playing for some time unless the instruments have issues. Also, a lot of Lyre Harp that was being sold online are not yet tuned correctly. With this problem, we are here to help you tune your Lyre Harp in the easiest way possible.

What do you need to tune your Lyre Harp?

A quiet place

In order to achieve the best possible tune, you need to be in place with no noise since your tuner will be greatly affected if you use one, or if you are tuning by listening it will greatly affect the sounds that you hear.

Tuning Rod or Tuning Hammer

This is a hammer shape tool that usually sold as a package with the Lyre Harp. Although we will need it to rotate the string pin and will not be used for hammering the pin down gstring android app


There can be 3 kinds of tuner that can be used:

  • You Ears – for those can tune by just listening to the sounds
  • Tuning Gadgets – These are tools that used by almost all the musical instruments for tuning
  • Mobile Tuning Apps – A mobile application that mimic the capability of a physical tuner

We have 3 ways but we will focus on the Mobile Tuning App as this is the most easy and free (other than by ears for musicians).

Tuning Pattern and Notes Position

Of course, you need to know your tuning pattern that you will do. Some Lyre Harp have engraved or written Tuning Pattern already but there are also some that doesn’t. There are also cases that you want to retune your lyre on other chords to play some special song or piece. Normally, most modern songs can be played with C Major Standard.

You should also know that the tuning pattern of a lyre can be left to right or right to left. Most of 10 and 16 strings have the tuning of going higher from left to right. Then 19 to 21+ are on right to left going higher. But it is always a must to check when buying so you will already have an idea on it notes position.

Tuning Lyre Harp Process

After we have all the necessary things, let us tune your lyre harp. Place your Lyre Harp and the tuner side by side or near to each other. Pluck one of the string and take note of the notes you will

be working on. Check in your Tuner if it hits the note you want to do. If the note is too high, rotate tuning pin or the string pin counterclockwise using the tuning hammer. If the note is too low, wrench it clockwise. Repeat these steps on all the strings until you tune them all.

There will be cases for new Lyre Harp that they tend to have lost the tune of the other string after you tune the other one. Just retune them again since it happens once in a while due to the pins are not yet stable.

Precautions: rotate the string pins gently to prevent the strings from breaking.

Viola! You have now tuned your Lyre Harp and can start playing!!

Lyres are a class of stringed instruments known since the earliest civic establishments. The Ancient Greeks and Romans played lyres, and after the fall of Rome the instrument became famous with Celtic and Germanic clans in Europe.

A lyre is in fact not quite the same as a harp in that the strings run corresponding to the soundboard rather than opposite.

Tuning a lyre, however essentially basic, can appear to be overpowering for novices, both in strategy and in decision of tuning. These guidelines apply basically to the 6-string Anglo Saxon (or “Germanic”) lyre, however can likewise be applied to other six-string lyres, the 5-string Finnish kantele or Russian gusle, and other comparative instruments.

Steps Tuning Lyre Harp Process

  1. Layout the essential key of your lyre. Do this by turning your most minimal string until it is tense to the point of creating a reasonable note with nearly nothing/no humming, yet not so close that it feels going to break.
  2. Presently, pick a tuning proper to your requirements, yet translated (if important) to the key of your lyre. That is, assuming your most unfathomable string is agreeable at “G”, what might be compared to the CDEFGA tuning would be ABCDE.
  3. Assuming that you have a cutting-edge metal zither stakes, just turn them with a stake key to fix. Assuming you have grating stakes (conventional wooden or bone tightened stakes), push cautiously yet solidly towards the crosspiece while turning, any other way the stake will slip after you let it go. Assuming you experience difficulty turning the stake and getting it to remain, google up “stake dope” for thoughts of what materials to use to change the grasp of your peg.
  4. To hit the notes of the tuning you’ve chosen, a fledgling will presumably need to utilize an internet-based tuner, or a locally acquired chromatic tuner or tuner application on a cell phone. Assuming that you have a decent ear for stretches, you may likewise have the option to tune by ear.
  5. Comprehend that most tuners are set up to tune by “Equivalent Temperament”, the cutting edge approach to tuning where an instrument will sound great in any key, however not exactly amazing in any of them. Since a lyre regularly plays in just each key in turn, consider tuning to “Simply Intonation” based on the feature of your lyre. A few of the better cell phone tuners have a choice to tune by JI (try to assign the feature of your instrument around which all the tuning will be based).

Ps. If you found errors in this post kindly comment or message us. And if you have other ways feel free to share to us so everyone can be knowledgeable on it.

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